Tuesday, August 26, 2008

#38 Games and Gaming: Console Gaming

i just remembered why i both liked and hated duck hunt, i'd forgotten how much fun i used to have playing duck hunt, i'd also forgotten how annoying that dog is when you miss your shot. i'm still bad at pac man, but i've played that recently since my boyfriend has the arcade game as well as some other classics. he has centipede too. if i've gained any skills from playing games it's hand eye coordination. for the library i would say mabe the wii or mabe xbox 360 halo is very popular for wii super mario smash bros is fun for the wii and you can have up to 4 players for both games. games cube is fun too, can have up to 4 players, and is cheaper. i have a lot of fun with my gamecube and my playstation. it will probably just be come for the games at first, but after there's been a few sessions it will probably be both games and books.

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